当前位置:新八零电子书 > 游戏竞技 > 这是一支离别的歌 > 第10部分

第10部分 (第2/5页)

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好书推荐: 信息素上瘾 小心我夹爆你喔[电竞] 全民游戏:开局极夜荒野求生 全民求生,榜一她总是不看路 快到游戏里来 联盟之声望系统 暗区:重生到暗区刚内测 星穹之上与光同行 巨兽求生战场:开局获得幸运七! 洛杉矶之王 三国无双之最强战神 王者:六边形战士开创AG王朝 领主:我的蚁族无限进化 从MC开始的异界生活 绿茵神锋 游戏开发师:开发鸡爪流逼哭策划 拉文克劳是这样子的 领主降临:诸神璀璨时代 NBA:开局CBA系统 足坛第一后卫



“When I first saw you; you looked like a crazy teenage model protected by a knight in Prada。 And the 2nd time; you suddenly turned to a Cinderella running away before the midnight for her true love…”

“Am I that shallow?” 我反问,“But I’m really impressed that you still remember every details about a girl you met 4 years ago。”

“I have a good memory;” 他有点得意,“I can call the name of each staff in this building。”

“Because they all have a badge on their uniform with their name on it?”我完全放开了,跟他开起玩笑。

他笑起来,然后正色说到: “I am a guy devoted to the pursuit of pleasure; but first of all a business man。 You know it’s impossible for me to mix up the business and the girls。 So let’s get the things straight; what do you want for tonight?”

我想了想回答:“Actually; I have never thought about spending night here。 I’m only hoping you returning a small favor for this bowtie; which costs 2 day’s pay of a first year accountant like me。”

2008…11…02 16:24:50(第69楼)

'原创'这是一支别离的歌 …New York to Paris…全文完


“Favor? For yourself or for your friend?”

“Actually I don’t know much about his plan; and I’m not expecting you giving him money or doing business with him。”


“I want you to give him 30 minutes; let him talk about his proposal; and ask him one question。”

“Thing’s getting funny。 What’s the question?”

“Ask him to sacrifice me for his business plan。 You kn


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随机推荐: 私人警犬作者:易修罗 空间女主人 师姐的剑 我有一座道具库 恋人,不动心 风流道神 你不爱他了他最爱你 最强Q币助手 名导演的童话爱情 我和对家互掐后he了