此前,我一直把中世纪一词跟盎萨英伦时代,混在一起用, 但随着资料的查阅,虽然中世纪可以包含盎萨时代,但跨度太长,用盎萨时代应该更精确点。 本书应该是属于盎萨中期。 不知道为什么盎萨早期的资料,我看到的会比中期多??? 就如上章正文所说,到了更之后时期,市场流通的各种货币,非常繁琐,只有相对通用。 肯特是盎萨七国时,第一个发行的,还有联合金币等,埃拉王钱币也是当代。 重新建构货币体系吧,这样就能有明确点的物价观感。 由于查找到了详细的例子,我才决定写英磅(鹰磅), 还有盎萨七国时代媒介日常货币使用,罗马古钱的使用,有空再来讨论。 ...... 我之前也提过,不少学者讨论指出,查理曼打萨克森,引发北欧大动荡。 异端们瑟瑟发抖抱团,大批人北逃。 我今天看了查理曼传 19. as i have mehe northmen i will show by a drawn frn ra slight estimation they hold faith and baptism. just as after the death david, the neighb peoples, wh hand had subdued, f time paid their tribute to his peaohe terrible race of the ill loyally paid to lewis the tribute which through terror they had paid to his father, the most august emperor ious emperor lewis took pity on their envoys, ahem if they would be willihe religion; ahey a always and everywhere ahey were ready to obey him, he ordered them to be baptised in the name of him, of whom the mustine says:“if there were no trih would never have said:‘go and teach all peoples, baptisihe he father, son and holy ghost.’” the he p almost as , and each reperor’s chamber a white robe and from their sponsors a full frankish attire, of costly robes and arms aions. this was often done ao year they umbers, not for the sake of christ but for earthly advahey made haste to e, not as envoys a as loyal vassals, o themselves at the disposal of the emperor; and it happe oain o they ber of fifty. the emperor asked them whether they wished to be baptised, ahey had fessed he bade them forthwith be sprih holy water. as lis were not ready i numbers he ordered shirts to be d sewhe fashion of s. ohese was forthon the shoulders of ohe elder men; and when he had looked all over it for a minute, he ceived fierger in his mind, and said to the emperor:“i have gh this washiwenty times already, and i have been