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第131部分 (第4/5页)

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好书推荐: 最强领主:我,天使与亡灵之主 路法归,遇端木! 梦幻西游:签到打卡就能无敌 NBA不良人 游戏女尊 学长,你女朋友又任性了 一天一模拟,硬控乱世一百年 相赫啊,冠军它会自己飞过来吗? 穿越心动小镇:我带兄弟当肝帝 穿越00后动漫融合的世界 网游之大陆征服 SAN值归零后我成了高危BUG 宝可梦真实 文明:从不死族到太空死灵 我不是贱圣 请叫我腐烂 红楼小丫鬟 用团藏炼制万魂幡,他说我太极端 CSGO:有框你不打? 网游之我有天神赐福

er heading for an ancient ruin, big city or historical monument。 A restless character like you can benefit tremendously from a walking tour。 Don‘t forget to bring a travel journal and camera with you。 Half the fun of Gemini vacations is discussing them with friends and family。




An old city by the water is the perfect vacation destination for a romantic like you, Cancer。 Venice, Alexandria or New York are all blissful possibilities。 Be sure to get a few good restaurant recommendations before you leave。 It‘s much easier for Cancer to appreciate unfamiliar surroundings when you‘ve got a full stomach。 Try planning your trip around the Full Moon, when you‘re especially adventurous。




You Lions need a vacation getaway that affords plenty of glitz and glamour。 An eye…catching creature like you will feel right at home in Vegas, Los Angeles or Monaco。 Or indulge your wild…child side with a safari or eco…tour。 A trip to an amusement park like Disney World could also bring out the kid in Leo。




You‘re the type of traveler who likes to plan out every stage of your journey, Virgo。 An organized tour of an exotic land might be just the thing for you。 Hire a local tour guide who knows all the best places to shop, eat and relax。 Virgo gets a secret thrill from experiencing the daily customs of a different cultu


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随机推荐: 足坛第一骄 滚烫春夜 致命缠绵:与冷少暗夜孽爱 挑情贝勒 阎王的特别助理06 火之七日间(出书版) 网游之轩辕刺客 傻妃的一纸休书 托管女友 S级独家暖宠通缉令 圈养徐祺