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第316章 婚礼(3) (第2/3页)

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好书推荐: 退婚后,前任小叔他不装了 港圈玫瑰一撩,京圈大佬成翘嘴咯 绝巅无敌 宠婚之鬼医小妻 通房香软媚骨,侯爷招架不住 小天师绑定国运,众鬼跪着迎接 啊?男主好感度这么好刷? 闪婚掠爱,禁欲纪少的专宠撩妻 穿书六零年代:我靠空间零元购 综武:开局获得巨龙血脉 大祭司重生成真千金后鲨疯了 七零换亲当后妈,冷面硬汉夜夜都回家 我爹是仙尊,你动我试试 我团宠真千金,嚣张亿点怎么了 此生命定,终身守护 人类恶,想要拯救世界 亿万首席的蜜宠宝贝 将军家的屠夫娘子 新来的转校生竟比校霸还野 重生之我有个位面商店可以上交

cheng, now please express your love to the bride.”


“Iseylia, I would never forget 2922days ago, when I first encountered you in Spitzingsee. I was sitting on the trail with a cracked bone, cold and desperate. that's when you appeared like a moon goddess and saved me. I think I fell in love with you at that time.”


“In the past 8 years, you’ve been with me through the most important moments of my life, and with me to realise my dream. You’re my laurel goddess, I changed a lot in the past 8 years just to catch up with you and walk alongside you.”

(在过去的 8 年里,你陪我度过了人生中最重要的时刻,陪我实现了我的梦想。 你是我的月桂女神,8 年来,我改变了很多,只为追上你的步伐,与你并肩而行。)

“I know we also had fights and most of times it’s my fault. but thank you putting off my stuff, and still be here for me.”


“Iseylia, I can’t image life without you and cece. So please let me take care of you forever. I love you Iseylia, till the end of time.”



她只是一遍遍地对程澈说:“I know.. I love you, I love you so much.”


“I always said, we can’t push the limits or neither of us can afford the consequences. but if it’s you, if you were the giant planet and I were the et, I’d willing to, push the Roche limit. I won't disintegrate, and neither will you, but we'll both be a part of each other, and never part.”


婚礼的最后,他们一起对着彼此宣誓,“this is a sign of my word, to love, honour and cherish you, forever.”


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