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第245章 今非昔比 (第2/2页)

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好书推荐: 冷面军官不守武德媳妇上嘴他上手 和男主be完以后我疯了 穿越兽世!凭借生崽崽打造一个国度! 被读心之后,假千金成团宠了 修仙想咸鱼,不可能! 穿越年代,做交通员的那些年 第一天才偶像 无限游戏,邪神他被疯批大佬盯上了 搬空婆家!随军被骗婚嫁你死对头 夜夜敲门,团宠小娇妻招架不住啦 嫁给病娇小叔后,疯批亡夫回来了 快穿:顶级猎手训狗法则 港片:唯我独尊 涅盘:崛起之路 穿进六零:大锅饭的那几年 锦鲤娇娇女被追着团宠啦! 深夜诡书 够撩!乖巧秘书让他上瘾失控 寡嫂为妻,腹黑王爷强取豪夺 综穿:我的异界任务之旅







was all I desired (是我的追求),

but all that grew inside me,(但是在我的身体里滋生了,)

was the darkness I acquired,(我内心的黑暗,)

when I began to fall,(当我开始堕落,)

And I lost the path ahead,(我失去了指引的方向,)

that's when your friendship found me,(在这时候,是你们的友谊帮助我,)

And it lifted me instead,(改邪归正,)

Like a phoenix burning bright,(就如凤凰浴火重生,)

In the sky,(在空中,)

I'll show there's another side to me,(我会展示我善良的一面,)

You can't deny,(你们不能否认,)

I may not know what the future holds,(我无法预知未来如何,)

but hear me when I say,(但是请听我说,)

that my past does not define me,(过去的一切将灰飞烟灭,)

'cause my past is not today,(因为,我已今非昔比,)




Ambition~Is what I believed!(野心,是我过去的信念,)

would be the only way,(会是唯一的道路,)

to set me free,but when it disappeared,(让我自由,但是,当我实现夙愿,)

And I found myself alone,that's when you came and got me,(我发现自己已孤身一人,这时是你们来到我身边,)

And it felt like I was home,Like a phoenix burning bright,(让我觉得我仿佛回到了家,就如凤凰浴火重生,)

In the sky,(在空中,)

I'll show there's another side to me,You can't deny,(我会展示我善良的一面,你们不能否认,)

I may not know what the future holds,but hear me when I say,(我无法预知未来如何,但是请听我说,)

that my past does not define me,'cause my past is not today,(过去的一切将灰飞烟灭,因为,我已今非昔比。)




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