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第119章 你杂鱼我打b (第2/2页)

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好书推荐: 变身御姐女帝,从指尖抽筋开始 我的小弟能升级 开局签到武当山 自维斯特洛开始的领主生涯 围龙 斩妖从熟练度面板开始 修行:我手握仙法 流落一方宇宙证道至高 云深情犯潇湘女 诸天之我真不是正经少侠 电影大救援 我在心中种莲花 天机阁来了个帅赘婿 天道叁之炎黄战纪 拳寂万古 异界之复制专家 非自然研究所 舔狗师兄:没办法,系统给的太多了 开局成神加入聊天群 闭关千年,瑶池女友请我出山

we have all done our best, so even if the oute is not satisfactory, it doesn't matter.

I still eagerly hope for your happiness more than anyone else in this world, but whenever I recall that this happiness has nothing to do with me, I still feel a little sad.

being able to enjoy the scenery along this journey with you is truly a blessing in my life, and it will surely bee the most brilliant time of my life.

Unfortunately, as a timid person, I chose to use death to escape the unfounded slander.

As a teacher, I find it difficult to bear the school's accusations of violting my students.

If I am destined to disappear, then I implore you to gradually thin me in your memory from now on, every second, every minute, every moment……

do not be overly sad.

I love you, but please make sure to forget me too!

Love you, Robert











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随机推荐: 仁者无敌之水煮乾坤 玲珑妃:魔皇独宠 鹿鼎任我行 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉)