风小晓听石逸小声的跟郭传凯对话。
郭传凯点点头,然后看向tim说,“hi
my
bro
,the
situation
is
like
this
,this
contains
average
around
4-5
containers
per
nth
,the
factory
also
have
capacity,they
have
a
lot
clients
not
just
us
,if
big
order
but
low
profit,it’s
hard
for
me
to
coince
them
,this
is
true
,bro
,think
about
yourself
,if
you
have
one
client
one
container
could
earn
30%profit
,will
you
aept
a
client
containers
just
got
5%
profits
per
container?”你好,我的兄弟。现在情况是这样,一年50个集装箱相当于平均一个月4-5个,工厂也有自己的产能的,他们有很多客户不单单只有我们,如果单纯的量大利润少,我很难说服他们。兄弟,你可以换位想想,如果你有一个客户一个集装箱就赚了30%的利润,你还会去接另外一个客户6个集装箱的生意,每个集装箱才5%的利润吗?
tim
皱了皱眉,“i
got
your
point
,but
the
factory
need
big
orders
to
keep
running
,right
?there
won’t
be
every
order
can
got
30%
profits.”我明白你的意思,但是工厂还是需要大订单去维持吧?不会每个单都能有30%利润的。
“time
is
change
,now
the
factory
owner
is
also
smart
,”时代不同了,现在的工厂老板可精了。郭传凯抱歉的抿着嘴,“but
i
think
if
we
both
take
a
step
back
,we
could
have
a
win-win
result.”不过,如果我们各退一步,我们还是有个双赢的好结果的。
tim耸耸肩,摊摊手,“