这时候走来一个男子,大约三十来岁,戴着一个灰色毛线帽,穿得倒不是很多,文绍然便放下手中的行李跟他握手打招呼,“hi
,andrew,how
have
you
been?”(嗨,安著,你好吗?)
“hey
,wind
,i’m
good
,what
about
you?and
the……
new
colleague?”(嘿,wind,我很好,你怎么样?还有这位...新同事?)andrew
说着看了看风小晓,风小晓向他微微点点头。
文绍然便放开andrew的手,后退一步搂着风小晓的肩膀说,“not
just
a
colleague
,she’s
my
girlfriend
,windy.”(不只是同事而已,她是我的女朋友,叫windy.)
风小晓有点懊恼文绍然为什么还要强调一下,尴尬的对andrew
笑道,“nice
to
meet
you.”(很高兴见到你。)
“nice
to
meet
you
too
,wind
is
really
a
great
man.”(我也很高兴见到你,wind真的是一个好男人。)andrew
笑道,然后对文绍然继续说,“finally
you
are
not
alone
now
and
such
a
gorgeous
girl
willing
with
you
,how
露cky
you
are!”(看来你不再单身啦,还找到一个这么漂亮的女孩愿意跟着你,你可真是走运了!)
“yeah
,i
think
so
.
thank
you
for
your
wai
at
such
a
late
night.”(是的,我也这么觉得。谢谢你这么晚了还在这里等我。)文绍然感谢道。
“your
welkre
,man,we
were
the
best
partner
before
.okay
,so
cold
here
,we’d
better
get
into
the
car
,or
your
girlfriend
will
be
frozen
.”(不客气,老兄!我们不是好伙伴吗?好了,这里太冷了,你们最好赶紧上车,不然你女朋友要冻僵在这了。)andrew
说着弯腰去拿一个行李箱。
“thank
you
。”文绍然道谢后便跟着他走到一旁亮着车灯的黑色宝马越野车旁,andrew
帮忙把行李箱放好后,便要离开的样子,风小晓还在诧异中便看到他跟自己说,“good
bye!”便赶紧点头说,“thank
you
for
the
help