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刘慈欣2018克拉克奖获奖感言 (第2/5页)

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好书推荐: 脑残女帝,这盛世跟你有什么关系 两宋传奇 龙牙兵锋 亚特兰世霸世征途 快穿之姚窕淑女 穿越大秦,我杀得停不下来 我纨绔世子娶妻彪悍点很合理吧 夺明抗清:从进山打游击开始 大明:嘉靖是我哥 抗战从濒死的大同煤矿工人开始 太子妃她富甲天下 四合院:二十岁的我成了一大爷! 我在甄嬛传里反复进出 我长肌肉不会为了和宝可梦讲道理 水浒,我在梁山开网吧! 三国:银屏,你先把刀放下! 盗墓:身手太菜,却成了万人迷? 穿进剧综世界的我在诸天做海商 李氏王侯 抗日之东北崛起






dies and ntlen,

good eveng!

it’s y great honor to receive the crke award for iagation service to ciety thank you

this award is a reward for iagation, a capability that should have been excsive to god but we, as huan begs, ckily have and the ang of the existence of iagation is far beyond our iagation a historian ed to say that the a rean why huan begs have been able to surpass other species on earth and build civilizations is that we are able to create thg our heads that does not exist reality the future, when artificial tellce bees sarter than , iagation ay be the only advanta we have over ai

science fiction is a literary nre based on iagation and the first sci-fi works the ipressed were those by arthur c crke tother with jules verne and e wells, arthur crke was aong the first western odern sci-fi writers to enter cha the early 1980s, the o novels 2001: a space odyssey and rendezvo with raa were published y untry at that ti, the cultural revotion jt ca to an end while the old life and faith had lpsed, the new ones had not yet been established like other young people, i felt lost durg that period these o books, for the first ti, however, brought y iagation to life y d opened up like never before i felt like a narrow strea fally ebracg the sea at idnight when i fished readg 2001: a space odyssey, i walked out of the hoe and stared at the starry sky i was


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随机推荐: 海贼:多子多福,后代震撼大海