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刘慈欣2018克拉克奖获奖感言 (第3/5页)

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好书推荐: 臣本布衣 大唐修仙:公主居然是我的小师妹 狐妖:开局就被亲爹捅死 光绪之路:系统掌权 水浒:开局怒杀高俅 穿越之逆袭为帝 小马宝莉:小马利亚的冒险 我去边疆做领主 盗墓:黑爷有本事你别还手 天幕:带三国英豪征服地球 边关潜修十年,开局我举世无敌 魂穿大武,制造步枪夺天下 重瞳无敌我的兄弟是石昊 县令田文进之清河风云 桂军 红楼梦贾赦要拨乱反正 抱歉,我已不是原来的二皇子了! 武侠之马甲狂魔 明末逐鹿辽东 红楼:问君能有几多愁!

able to see the gaxy, thanks to the unpolted sky of cha back then that night, y eyes, the starry sky looked nothg like before for the first ti y life, i was awed by the agnitude and ystery of our universe that feelg was religio ter on, rendezvo with raa stunned by shog how iagation uld build a lifelike, fantastic world it was arthur crke who brought such feelgs, and that brought here as a sci-fi writer

today, ore than 30 years ter, it gradually dawns on that people like , who were born the 1960s cha, are probably the ckiest people huan history no neration is like , no neration has been able to witness such trendo chans the world around the world we are livg today is pletely different fro that of our childhood and such chans are takg pce with even greater speed cha is a highly futuristic untry it is true that the future of cha ay be full of challens and risks, but never has this untry been attractive like today this reality provides fertile il for the growth of science fiction, which is enjoyg unprecedented attention the untry as a sci-fi author who was born the 1960s cha, i’ the ckiest fro the ckiest neration

i started writg sci-fi becae i decided to escape the dull life, and to reach out, with iagation, to the ysterio ti and space that i uld never truly reach but then i realized that the world around beca ore and ore like science fiction, and this process is speedg up future is like a pourg ra it falls right on even before we have ti to open an ubrel anwhile, when sci-fi bees reality, it won’t be hailed as agical any ore, and that frtrates sci-fi will on bee part of our lives the only thg i can do, is to ph y iagation further to even ore distant ti and space to hunt for the ysteries of sci-fi as a sci-fi author, i thk y job is to write


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随机推荐: 快穿:时空任务系统 恐怖微博